16/784-85, Desh Bandhu Gupta Road New Delhi -110005 +91 9999805077 info@advanzoequipments.com


  • Used to perform flexural tests
  • on asphalt binder and similar specimens as part of the PG grading system according to Superpave.


ASTM D6648 • EM 14771 • AASHTO T313 • AASHTO TP 87

Load Gövde Integral stainless steel frictionless construction
 Loading Shaft  In-line stainless steel with blunt point
 Test Load Variable test range from 0 to 400 mN Standart. System maintains required test load within
+/- 5mN throughout test cycle.
 Test Cycle Times  Cycle times for pre-load, recovery, and test load are completely operator-adjustable
 Load Cell  500g (temperature-compensated)
 Mechanical Overload Protection  Standard
 Test Weights  Calibrated and traceable to NIST
 Sample Supports 3mm (.118”) radius stainless steel spaced 4.00in (101.6mm) apart
 LVDT Displacement Transducer  0.25 in. (6.35mm) calibrated range to provide 2um resolution throughout testing and verification
 Data Display Large on-screen display of load, displaÇİMENTO, and bath temperature provides ease
of setup and operation. Realtime displaÇİMENTO, loading, and temperature graphs are
displayed during the test cycle and can be re-plotted and re-scaled as needed for easy
 Cooling Unit  Included (non-CFC refrigerant)
 Recommended Cooling Bath Fluid  Non-flammable ethylene glycol mixture
 Operating Temperature  Ambient to -40°F (-40°C)
 Temperature Measurement  Platinum RTD
 Power Requirements  115VAC 50/60Hz Standard 230VAC 50Hz Optional
 Compressed Air Requirements  50 psi (0.34 MPa) clean, dry air supply required
Dijital Air Regulation Linearity of < +/- 1.5% of span Hysteresis Repeatability < 1.0% of span Supply Pressure
Sensitivity < 0.2% of span per 1.0 PSIG
  • Used to perform flexural tests
  • on asphalt binder and similar specimens as part of the PG grading system according to Superpave.
  • Its new external chiller is now more compact and omits less noise during operation. Programmable test parameters allow users to input and save their own unique settings, allowing the Bending Beam Rheometer to satisfy a diverse range of testing applications.
  • Consists of a fluid bath base with a built-in touchscreen computer, load Gövde, and external chiller.
  • During operation, a known force is applied to the center of a horizontally supported specimen beam submerged in a cold liquid bath while internal software calculates the flexural creep stiffness of the beam.
  • Used in part to determine a sample’s critical cracking temperature and low temperature PG grade, the Bending Beam Rheometer’s -40°C to 25°C temperature range is efficiently calculated by a platinum RTD measuring device.
  • The 500g load cell and changeable specimen supports easily transition the Bending Beam Rheometer for crack sealant testing, and the free standing external chiller ensures that the cooling fluid maintains a constant temperature.